Get More Likes on Facebook

By June 24, 2015Uncategorized
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How To Get More Likes To Your Facebook  Page

When it comes to advertising and marketing online, there is nothing like having a facebook page that has a lot of likes. Facebook followers will make your company look very trusted and it is a great way to draw in more potential customers.Most people will admit that they select companies that have more ‘likes’ because they feel like it is a great way to determine if they are a trusted brand or company. If you are looking to learn how to get more Facebook likes/followers, you need to take these things into consideration.

Here are a couple quick tips to get more likes on your facebook page:

Make Contests

This is a strategy that has helped other companies that are trying to get more likes. These contests will help you stay connected with your followers and to create a relationship that will help build your online presence.

You can give away little items like t-shirts or you can even give people discounts. The only thing that they need to do is share your facebook page and tag a photo to your page. This causes their friends and family to see your page and thus gains more likes.

Use Other Sites

Don’t just focus on facebook. You need to use websites like Twitter as a different source of traffic. Be sure to tweet about your facebook page and invite people to subscribe. Most people are members of both social networks, so it is a good idea to target them both apps.


When you are writing a blog post, make it about your business and what you do. Include pictures and any really cool tips you have. Always make a blog post interesting and share the link on facebook. Getting people to click on your blog post from facebook helps create solid links to your website.

These are just simple ways to get more facebook likes and to really increase your overall presence on the internet. Do these 3 things and you will start to see a big increase in visits on facebook and your website.

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