Building a Website in Utah

By June 5, 2015Uncategorized



Why Building a Custom Website Makes Sense

We have all driven down the freeway or followed some local back roads and seen farms along the way. Some of us even have a garden in our yards to grow some veggies ( A salsa garden is my Favorite ) Do you drive by in wonderment,  a sense of awe? Think about it, someone puts a seed in the ground, pulls the weeds keeps it watered and in a short amount of time you have fresh vegetables you can eat! Wow, that seems so simple, and to the experienced farmer or gardener, it kinda is The cycle never really changes, you have to make sure your plants get the right nutrients and water. Does it get enough sunlight? After you navigate the basics of what it takes, it does become second nature to make the cycle work again and again.

So how does it relate to you and your local business?

What value do you add to the lives of your customers that your competition does not? What are the real differences between you and them? If you answered not much then what are you going to change to beat them to the punch? How are you going to get the customer first? How will you keep that customer?

Let’s face it your business has something that is unique, you make people feel welcomed, and your business provides the kind of services and values you and I were raised on. But, how do customers know that?

Utah Web Design Services

One of the most effective ways for people to know how awesome your business is is to tell them. Tell them through social media and write great content for your website. Don’t have a website yet? Haven’t joined the social media revolution yet? No worries. Building a website in Utah has never been easier.

If you have a website or a Facebook account, then when was the last time you had it updated? IS is your website outdated? IS your last blog post dated 2012? IS your social media just a bunch of pictures of your cat?

If you answered yes to any of these things and are serious about getting more clients, then we really should talk.

Utah web Design is changing and we are the one changing it. 1 Day Website Utah believes that you can have your cake and eat it to. Utah web design should be affordable and when we leave your office you should know how to make your website work for you, not the other way around.

Be like the old experienced farmer who knows how to plant, water and cultivate a seed, so when people drive by they cant help but to be amazed.

Image Source: Dave Gray

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